Sunday, 27 May 2018

Here we go

with pictures of the various flowers on the aquilegias in my garden

why because I felt like it.

and my family and friends

will only look at so many pictures of flowers!

Why aquilegias?

We I started with one packet of seed. I am not a good gardener. Things tend not to grow as they should. Plants die. Seeds don't sprout. I have had some success with weeds!

These seeds however sprouted. The seedlings grew. The plants had flowers. As promised on the seed packet the bees like the flowers therefore there were seeds from plants I had grown. I felt like a real gardener, like my grandfather. Collecting seeds to grow more plants the next year.

Purple Aquilega

I was ready with my seed and setting away trays, mind I need not have bothered as they came back all on their own all over the garden. Wonderful, a plant that liked the soil, the full sun, the shade, coped with the wind the rain. Love it.

So when I spotted a packet for mixed aquilegia seed I decided to try again. Although I was approaching things realistically given my track record the fancier colours ext would probably not survive or feel at home.

But they did, they do, in many a wondrous variation and the bees help,big bees little bees, making seed, mixing between the plants I have so that each year (I do still collect the seed but mostly to give away) I wait to see what will grow where. 

There are still more of the original plant than of the others but still there are quite a few variations. 

Not near as many as a quick search advises me there are types of this flower let alone the variations in colour.

If you visit more than once and this is not just a good place for me to save and visit my  pictures there may well be less words and more flowers. 


I am not sure if this is from one of those seeds I planted last year that I thought nothing had come of or if it is a hybrid from the plants...